Business Security Essentials: The “Backup” Layer

When does anything in reality ever go according to the original plan? I can easily answer that one…. almost NEVER! At least that is how it feels. In that case, what is Plan B or Plan C? Being resilient and able to pivot when things don’t go according to plan is an important life skill for individuals, but also an essential tool for businesses. In fact, it is an essential layer of business security namely: The Backup Plan. Everyone needs a backup plan, and your business is absolutely no exception.
Your data is one of the most important and valuable parts of your business. In the 21st century, most business data ranging from client files and patient records to financial information and internal documents, are stored electronically. Attention to your business’s back up plan is essential for business security. What happens if your business is burglarized, and all the computers stolen? What happens if the hard drive on your computer or server crashes? What happens if one of your employees inadvertently allows a hacker to take over your systems and lock up your data? Lost data can lead to lost productivity, disruptions and even potential lawsuits or legal problems.
Establishing a regular backup program is one of the most important steps in data loss prevention. There are many different backup solutions, and they are not all created equally. Traditionally businesses have relied on physical backups of company data stored onsite also known as a local backup. However, this should not be the only place for data storage. Businesses can and should also use a cloud backup storage solution. A combination of both is the bare minimum for business protection but not actually recommended because with these a la carte options business cannot be restored rapidly. It can take a day, several days or even weeks to recover and get up and running. The basic options protect your business but not on a full scale and certainly not in a timely manner.
What is your business’s Plan B or “Backup Plan?” Does your business have a backup and recovery plan? Or do you believe that your business is like the Titanic, invincible thereby not needing the appropriate number of lifeboats? The Titanic owners didn’t want to invest in additional lifeboats because they believed their ship could never sink. Life lesson: Don’t be like the business that owned the Titanic!
At Advantage IT Services we continually beat the proverbial drum of maintaining a healthy and robust back up plan. We recommend a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) solution. A BCDR solution includes local hardware, cloud services and software that work together and allow for rapid recovery with minimal downtime ensuring continuity of operations. This continuity happens because the solution includes a device and technology that can keep your business running while recovering your data in the event of a device failure, ransomware or any disaster both locally and in the cloud.
Unfortunately, businesses often take the short-term view, however, in the long run the complete backup solution is well worth it. Advantage IT Services, LLC engineers are experts in advising on business backup solutions and are committed to helping your business be ITs best!
If you are interested in receiving more information about our services or would like to see if our solutions align with your business needs, lets have a 5 minute chat – click here to schedule a meeting.